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California’s Climate Change Strategy

California’s Climate Change Strategy

In 2006 California was the first state in the nation to address global warming with the passage of Assembly Bill 32 (AB 32) also known as Global Warming Solutions Act. This was a watershed moment not only in California’s history but for the nation as a whole as it set a precedent for all other states. AB 32 set a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 through alternative energy sources and with investment into green energy programs as its main focus.

To reach AB 32 goals, former California Governor Brown identified several important pillars that need to be achieved by 2030 that would keep California on a steady path fighting climate change. These pillars will serve as the major goals over the next decade as California grows its use of sustainable energy . As one of the best solar companies in Los Angeles , Plug It In Solar cares about all forms of progress towards a green and clean future and we wanted to share these pillars with you.

California’s Climate Strategy Pillars

California climate strategy pillars

  • 50% renewable energy electricity to be generated by 2030 through green energy. California is already on its way to generate 33% of its energy from renewable electricity by 2020 and is a national leader in reducing greenhouse gases from electricity generation while at the same time offering a reliable and affordable electricity system. At this rate it is very likely that California will meet its 100% goal of clean energy consumption.

  • 50% reduction in petroleum use in cars and trucks by 2030. This is yet another goal that California is already working on and by 2040 expects all city buses to be emission free. This will give all Californians cleaner air and will save transit agencies over a billion dollars by 2050. Electric vehicles are expected to increase to 125 million by 2030 which is another major factor in petroleum reduction.

  • Doubling energy efficiency savings in existing building and develop cleaner heating fuels. Californians are already saving billions of dollars in avoided energy costs thanks to energy efficiency standards put in place within the last few decades. Upgrading homes, businesses and a shift to cleaner heating fuels will help in the overall goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Carbon sequestration through natural and working lands. These lands in our state are a vital part of our environment and are home to 40 million Californians. They are the largest and most diverse sources of food production in the nation. These lands help trap carbon dioxide in soil and wood which in turn helps regulate climate in the region. We must keep these lands intact and at full levels of ecological function for the well-being of the state not just through 2030 but at all times.

  • Reducing the amount of short-lived climate pollutants in the atmosphere is another important pillar. These pollutants, like black carbon, methane and fluoridated gases are responsible for almost 40% of the current global warming. Reducing these pollutants would not only help fighting global warming but it would also prevent thousands of premature deaths.

  • Safeguard California is the final pillar outlined by Governor Brown. This is a plan that helps provide policy guidance with the ever-changing world and climate. Policy makers need to be quick responding to wildfires, droughts and other potential harmful changes in climate while minimizing economic losses.

These 6 pillars will guide Plug It In Solar and all Californians into an era where green energy will reign as the only source of energy. Don’t wait till 2030 to make your switch and contact us today. As your local solar installers in the Los Angeles area we provide reliable service, guaranteed performance and a 25-year warranty so that you don’t have to worry about anything when it comes to your solar power .

You can visit our website or call us at (818) 670-7769 and our knowledgeable experts can answer all your solar inquiries and provide you with a free consultation over the phone or in person. Our goal is to make going solar simple.

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